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Faculty180 – Vita and Individual Profile Data Sheet

Steffany Moonaz, PhD, C-IAYT

Fall 1980 - Fall 2120

Professor I

SCU Health - Clinical and Health Services Research


Current Position

Position: Director, Health Services Research
Position: Associated Faculty


Dr. Moonaz is the current Research Director at SCU. After completing a Master of Fine Arts in dance and studying the mind-body connection through the arts, she found the field of public health as an avenue to further explore the same topic. She earned her Ph.D. in public health from Johns Hopkins University, where she studied the effects of yoga for people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Since then, she has served as subject matter expert, consultant, and investigator for research on yoga and other integrative health practices. Her research has been funded by NIH, the Arthritis Foundation, American College of Rheumatology, and Johns Hopkins University and she has received numerous awards for her research and scholarship. She has co-authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications. In addition to research, Dr. Moonaz is a certified yoga therapist and trains yoga professionals in various contexts. She is especially passionate about fostering evidence-informed practice in yoga therapy. Dr. Moonaz has served on the board of the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH) and active with their Research Working Group for several years. She recently joined their Executive Committee and helped to facilitate the ACIH merger with the Academy for Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM). She now serves as inaugural chair for the Traditional World Medicines/Emerging Professions AIHM Council. Dr. Moonaz is also actively involved with the International Association of Yoga Therapists and with the Accessible Yoga movement that aims to improve yoga safety, access, and equity.   



Ph.D., Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United StatesDissertation: Examining the safety, feasibility and efficacy of yoga for persons with arthritis


M.F.A., Dance, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United StatesDissertation: Don't Just Sit There: Dancing Away the Mind-Body Problem


B.A., Biology, Dance, Pre-Medicine, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, United StatesDissertation: Shall We Dance?: The Constructive and Destructive Effects of Dance on the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Self

Certifications (Healthcare)

International Association of Yoga Therapists, C-IAYT, chronic pain, arthritis and rheumatic diseases, 20593287 , 2017-03-18, 2023-03-31, Yes

Yoga Alliance, e-RYT-500, 12608, 2003-08-16, 2024-10-05

Professional Licensures and Certifications (All other/non-healthcare)

Certified Movement Analyst, August 2003, Laban/Bartinieff Institute for Movement Studies, New York, United States

Work Experience

2022 - Ongoing

Adjunct Professor, Maryland University of Integrative Health, Laurel, Maryland, United States

Associate Research Director, Southern California University of Health Sciences, Whittier, California, United States

2017 - 2022

Director of Clinical and Academic Research, Maryland University of Integrative Health, Laurel, Maryland, United States

2016 - 2017

Assistant Director of Academic Research, Maryland University of Integrative Health, Laurel, Maryland, United States

2014 - 2016

Associate Director of Integrative Health Sciences, Maryland University of Integrative Health, Laurel, Maryland, United States

2013 - 2014

Adjunct Instructor, Maryland University of Integrative Health, Laurel, Maryland, United States

2010 - 2022

Director of Health Coaching, Corporate Health Solutions, Jamison, Pennsylvania, United States

2010 - Ongoing

Director, Yoga for Arthritis, BALTIMORE, Maryland, United States

2005 - 2008

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

2003 - 2006

Research Coordinator, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

2002 - 2022

Intern, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, BALTIMORE, Maryland, United States

2000 - 2003

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Towson University, Towson, Maryland, United States

1999 - 2000

Research Coordinator, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Department of Hematology/Oncology, Oakland, California, United States

Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions



Moonaz, S. Driving Home: Cancer, Concussion, Mom and Me; FriesenPress, 2024.
Moonaz, S.; Byron, E. Yoga Therapy for Arthritis: A Whole Person Approach to Movement and Lifestyle; Singing Dragon Press: London, England, 2018; p 328.



Moonaz, S.; Nault, D.; Abatemarco, A. Standards in Yoga Research and Reporting. In Handbook of Research on Evidence-Based Perspectives on the Psychophysiology of Yoga and Its Applications; IGI Global: Hershey, PA, 2020.

Journal Article


Teets, R.; Nielsen, A.; Moonaz, S.; Anderson, B. J.; Mah, D. M.; Walter, E.; Milanes, M.; Jyung, H.; Soto Cossio, L. E.; Meissner, P.; McKee, M. D.; Kligler, B. Group Acupuncture Therapy With Yoga Therapy for Chronic Neck, Low Back, and Osteoarthritis Pain in Safety Net Settings for an Underserved Population: A Feasibility Pilot Study. 2023, 12, 27536130231202515.
Moonaz, S.; Luthria, T.; Whitehead, A. M.; Mah, D.; Teets, R. Development and Implementation of a Flexible Yoga Therapy Protocol in the Group Acupuncture Therapy and Modified Yoga (GAPYOGA) Pilot Study. 2023, 33.
Gliedt, J. A.; Reynolds, M.; Moonaz, S.; Long, C. R.; Russell, R.; Schneider, M. J. Identifying and Addressing Patient Substance Use: A Survey of Chiropractic Clinicians. 2023, 31, 18.
Ward, L.; Nault, D.; Cramer, H.; Moonaz, S. Development of the CLARIFY (CheckList stAndardising the Reporting of Interventions For Yoga) Guidelines: A Delphi Study. 2022, 12, e054585.
Middleton, K. R.; Andrade, R.; Moonaz, S. H.; Muhammad, C.; Wallen, G. R. Yoga Research and Spirituality: A Case Study Discussion. International Journal of Yoga Therapy 2015, 25, 33–35.
Moonaz, S.; Whitehead, A. M.; Lawrence, L.; Natividad, D.; Kindred, D.; Nielsen, A.; Teets, R. Yoga Therapy DYADS: A Novel Approach to Chronic Pain Management in Underserved Populations. 18, 195–199.
Singh, A.; Aitken, D.; Moonaz, S.; Palmer, A. J.; Blizzard, L.; Ding, C.; Drummen, S.; Jones, G.; Bennell, K.; Antony, B. A Randomised Controlled Trial of a and Strengthening Exercise for Knee Osteorthritis: Protocol for a Comparative Effectiveness Trial (YOGA Trial). 2022, 7.
Jyung, H.; Mah, D. M.; Moonaz, S.; Rai, M.; Bhandiwad, A.; Nielsen, A.; Teets, R. “The Pain Left, I Was Off and Running”: A Qualitative Analysis of Group Acupuncture and Yoga Therapy for Chronic Pain in a Low-Income and Ethnically Diverse Population. 2022, 28, 328–338.
Moonaz, S.; Nault, D.; Cramer, H.; Ward, L. Releasing CLARIFY: A New Guideline for Improving Yoga Research Transparency and Usefulness. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) 2021, 27, 807–809.
Moonaz, S.; Nault, D.; Cramer, H.; Ward, L. CLARIFY 2021: Explanation and Elaboration of the Delphi-Based Guidelines for the Reporting of Yoga Research. 2021, 11, e045812.
Anderson, B. J.; Meissner, P.; Mah, D. M.; Nielsen, A.; Moonaz, S.; McKee, M. D.; Kligler, B.; Milanes, M.; Guerra, H.; Teets, R. Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Bundled Acupuncture and Yoga Therapy to Treat Chronic Pain in Community Healthcare Settings: A Feasibility Pilot. 2021, 27, 496–505.
Sullivan, M.; Lopez, S.; Nault, D.; Moonaz, S.; Miller, R. Yoga Meditation for Active Duty Military Members with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Results and Discussion of a Landmark Initial Study. 2021, 27, 522–524.
Moonaz, S.; Sullivan, M.; Nault, D.; Bright-Dumm, I.; Bradley, R. Characteristics of Clients Seeking Yoga Therapy in a University-Based Student Clinic. 2021, 31.
Marchand, N.; Moonaz, S. On the Alignment of Yoga Therapy with Palliative Care. 2020, 26, 774–775.
Nielsen, A.; Teets, R.; Moonaz, S.; Anderson, B. J.; Walter, E.; Milanes, M.; Mah, D. M.; Diane McKee, M.; Kligler, B. Group Acupuncture Therapy With Yoga Therapy for Chronic Neck, Low Back, and Osteoarthritis Pain in Safety Net Setting for an Underserved Population: Design and Rationale for a Feasibility Pilot. 2020, 9, 2164956120964716.
Sullivan, M. B.; Erb, M.; Schmalzl, L.; Moonaz, S.; Noggle Taylor, J.; Porges, S. W. Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory: The Convergence of Traditional Wisdom and Contemporary Neuroscience for Self-Regulation and Resilience. 2018, 12, 67.
Middleton, K. R.; Haaz Moonaz, S.; Hasni, S. A.; Magaña López, M.; Tataw-Ayuketah, G.; Farmer, N.; Wallen, G. R. Yoga for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Clinician Experiences and Qualitative Perspectives from Students and Yoga Instructors Living with SLE. Complementary therapies in medicine 2018, 41, 111–117.
Middleton, K. R.; Ward, M. M. M.; Haaz Moonaz, S.; Magaña López, M.; Tataw-Ayuketah, G.; Yang, L.; Acevedo, A. T.; Brandon, Z.; Wallen, G. R. Feasibility and Assessment of Outcome Measures for Yoga as Self-Care for Minorities with Arthritis: A Pilot Study. 2018, 4, 53.
Sullivan, M. B.; Moonaz, S.; Weber, K.; Taylor, J. N.; Schmalzl, L. Toward an Explanatory Framework for Yoga Therapy Informed by Philosophical and Ethical Perspectives. 2018, 24, 38–47.
Moonaz, S.; Jeter, P.; Schmalzl, L. The Importance of Research Literacy for Yoga Therapists. 2017, 27, 131–133.
Sullivan, M.; Leach, M.; Snow, J.; Moonaz, S. Understanding North American Yoga Therapists’ Attitudes, Skills and Use of Evidence-Based Practice: A Cross-National Survey. 2017, 32, 11–18.
Sullivan, M.; Leach, M.; Snow, J.; Moonaz, S. The North American Yoga Therapy Workforce Survey. 2017, 31, 39–48.
Middleton, K. R.; Magaña López, M.; Haaz Moonaz, S.; Tataw-Ayuketah, G.; Ward, M. M. M.; Wallen, G. R. A Qualitative Approach Exploring the Acceptability of Yoga for Minorities Living with Arthritis: “Where Are the People Who Look like Me?” 2017, 31, 82–89.
Jeter, P. E.; Haaz Moonaz, S.; Bittner, A. K.; Dagnelie, G. Ashtanga-Based Yoga Therapy Increases the Sensory Contribution to Postural Stability in Visually-Impaired Persons at Risk for Falls as Measured by the Wii Balance Board: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. 2015, 10, e0129646.
Moonaz, S. H.; Bingham, C. O.; Wissow, L.; Bartlett, S. J. Yoga in Sedentary Adults with Arthritis: Effects of a Randomized Controlled Pragmatic Trial. 2015, 42, 1194–1202.
Muhammad, C. M.; Moonaz, S. H. Yoga as Therapy for Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Case Report of Therapeutic Yoga for Adrenomyeloneuropathy. Integrative medicine (Encinitas, Calif.) 2014, 13, 33–39.
Jeter, P. E.; Nkodo, A.-F.; Moonaz, S. H.; Dagnelie, G. A Systematic Review of Yoga for Balance in a Healthy Population. 2014, 20, 221–232.
Bartlett, S. J.; Moonaz, S. H.; Mill, C.; Bernatsky, S.; Bingham, C. O. Yoga in Rheumatic Diseases. 2013, 15, 387.
Middleton, K. R.; Ward, M. M. M.; Haaz, S.; Velummylum, S.; Fike, A.; Acevedo, A. T.; Tataw-Ayuketah, G.; Dietz, L.; Mittleman, B. B. B.; Wallen, G. R. A Pilot Study of Yoga as Self-Care for Arthritis in Minority Communities. 2013, 11, 55.
McCauley, J.; Haaz, S.; Tarpley, M. J.; Koenig, H. G.; Bartlett, S. J. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess Effectiveness of a Spiritually-Based Intervention to Help Chronically Ill Adults. 2011, 41, 91–105.
Haaz, S.; Bartlett, S. J. Yoga for Arthritis: A Scoping Review. 2011, 37, 33–46.
McCauley, J.; Tarpley, M. J.; Haaz, S.; Bartlett, S. J. Daily Spiritual Experiences of Older Adults with and without Arthritis and the Relationship to Health Outcomes. 2008, 59, 122–128.
Fontaine, K. R.; Haaz, S.; Heo, M. Projected Prevalence of US Adults with Self-Reported Doctor-Diagnosed Arthritis, 2005 to 2050. 2007, 26, 772–774.
Fontaine, K. R.; Haaz, S.; Bartlett, S. J. Are Overweight and Obese Adults with Arthritis Being Advised to Lose Weight? 2007, 13, 12–15.
Fontaine, K. R.; Haaz, S. Risk Factors for Lack of Recent Exercise in Adults with Self-Reported, Professionally Diagnosed Arthritis. 2006, 12, 66–69.
Haaz, S.; Fontaine, K. R.; Cutter, G.; Limdi, N.; Perumean-Chaney, S.; Allison, D. B. Citrus Aurantium and Synephrine Alkaloids in the Treatment of Overweight and Obesity: An Update. 2006, 7, 79–88.
Reed, W.; Smith, R.; Dekovic, F.; Lee, J. Y.; Saba, J. D.; Trachtenberg, E.; Epstein, J.; Haaz, S.; Walters, M. C.; Lubin, B. H. Comprehensive Banking of Sibling Donor Cord Blood for Children with Malignant and Nonmalignant Disease. 2003, 101, 351–357.



Group Acupuncture Therapy with Modified Yoga for chronic neck, low back and OA pain in safety net setting for an underserved population (GAPYOGA), Funded by Blavatnik Family Foundation (August 1, 2019 - July 31, 2022), Completed, Summer 2023, CoInvestigator Steffany Moonaz (7.5%)

Yoga as Self-Care for Underrepresented Communities, Funded by National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (CC) (May 31, 2012 - March 1, 2017), Completed, Summer 2023, CoInvestigator Steffany Moonaz (12%)

Yoga for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Funded by National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders (August 1, 2006 - August 1, 2010) ($183,986.00), Completed, Summer 2023, PI Steffany Moonaz (100%)

Health Professional Graduate Student Research Preceptorship, Funded by American College of Rheumatology / Research and Education Fund (June 1, 2007 - August 31, 2007) ($12,000.00), Completed, Summer 2023, PI Steffany Moonaz (20%)

Funded - In Progress

Integrated Care for Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder: The IMPOWR Research Center at Montefiore/Einstein (IMPOWR-ME), Funded by National Institute for Drug Abuse (September 30, 2021 - July 31, 2023), awarded September 24, 2021 ($21,477.00), Funded - In Progress, Summer 2023, CoInvestigator Steffany Moonaz (7.5%)

Spinal Manipulative Therapy vs. Prescription Drug Therapy for Care of Aged Medicare Beneficiaries with Neck Pain, Funded by National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2024), awarded August 29, 2022 ($465,700.00), Funded - In Progress, Summer 2022, CoInvestigator Steffany Moonaz (12.5%) with PI James Whedon (20%), Other Anupama Kizhakkeveettil (3%)

Submitted - Not Funded

Yoga for JIA: Stakeholder Survey and Protocol Development, Funded by CARRA (June 15, 2023 - June 14, 2025) ($50,000.00), Submitted - Not Funded, Summer 2023, PI Steffany Moonaz (10%)

Evidence Based Practice Attitudes, Skills and Use Among Students and Faculty in Clinical Health Sciences, Funded by Burg Foundation (August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2025) ($69,458.00), Submitted - Not Funded, Summer 2023, PI Steffany Moonaz (10%) with Other Robb Russell (5%)

Acupuncture for Medicare Beneficiaries with Chronic Low Back Pain: Access, Utilization, and Value, Funded by NIH/NCCIH (September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2026) ($1,776,078.00), Submitted - Not Funded, Summer 2023, CoInvestigator Steffany Moonaz (20%) with PI James Whedon (40%), CoInvestigator Prasad Vinjamury (15%)

Submitted for Review

The Role and Influence of Religion and Spirituality on Yoga Professions in the United States, Funded by John Templeton Foundation (September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2026), Submitted for Review, Summer 2023, PI Steffany Moonaz

Utilization of Non-pharmacological Therapies for Management of Low Back Pain under US Medicaid Plans, Funded by NIH/NCCIH (May 1, 2024 - April 30, 2026) ($439,555.00), Submitted for Review, Summer 2023, CoInvestigator Steffany Moonaz (12%) with PI James Whedon (20.5%)

Honors and Awards

Fall 2023 - Summer 2024

SCU Health Justice Award, 2023, Southern California University of Health Sciences, Any member of the SCU community may nominate someone (full-time staff, faculty, or student) for the award. Self-nominations will be accepted.

Applicants for this award must write a statement of no more than 250 words on how they or the person they are nominating have contributed to the advancement of Health Justice through clinical health care, public health work, advocacy, activism, scholarship, or community service.

Health Justice is the imperative that all people have the right to the highest attainable health. Systems and institutions should support the right to health by providing equal access to compassionate, affordable healthcare. Integrative health and medicine must include Health Justice as a central mission and diversity, equity, and inclusion as core principles.

Spring 2020 - Summer 2020

Faculty Poster Award, 2020, Maryland University of Integrative Health, Research poster selected as highest scoring by a panel of judges at the 2020 annual MUIH research symposium.

Spring 2016 - Summer 2016

Excellence in Faculty Research and Scholarship, 2016, Maryland University of Integrative Health, A panel of expert integrative health researchers evaluated the submitted portfolio of MUIH faculty after nomination. A rubric is used to score each candidate on their merits. The award goes to the candidate with the strongest research portfolio based on a body of work from the current year.

Fall 2013 - Summer 2014

Research Abstract Award, 2013, International Association of Yoga Therapists, Of all research posters presented at the annual Symposium on Yoga Research, the poster conferred with this award was scored highest by the selection committee of the IAYT.

Fall 2008 - Summer 2010

Distinguished Research Award, 2008, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, This award with monetary stipend is awarded annual to students who demonstrate mastery and promise in research activity. Dr. Moonaz received this award in 2008, 2009 and 2010. This encompassed all 3 years of her dissertation research.

Spring 2010 - Summer 2010

Delta Omega Honor Society Induction, 2010, Johns Hopkins University, This honor society welcomes students based on GPA in a school of public health.

Fall 2007 - Summer 2008

Graduate Student Award, 2007, Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals, This award is conferred to a graduate student in a rheumatology-related field based on research submitted to the American College of Rheumatology annual research conference.

Fall 2007 - Spring 2008

Graduate Student Research Preceptorship, 2007, American College of Rheumatology, This award is conferred along with research funding for a rheumatology-based project proposed by a graduate student and evaluated on its merits.

Spring 2006 - Summer 2008

Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2006, National Arthritis Foundation, The Arthritis Foundation funds research conducted by doctoral students through this award.

Fall 2006 - Spring 2010

National Research Service Award, Individual Fellowship, 2006, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Funding from NIH for doctoral research on yoga for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Fall 2004 - Spring 2005

Graduate/Medical Student Achievement Award, 2004, American College of Rheumatology, Awarded with monetary stipend for student excellence in research presented at the American College of Rheumatology annual research conference.

Spring 2003 - Summer 2003

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Induction, 2003, University of Maryland, College Park, Induction based on GPA.

Spring 1999 - Summer 1999

Helen Ward Memorial Prize in Theater and Dance, 1999, Oberlin College, Award and financial prize conferred based on excellence by a graduating undergraduate student.


yoga therapy, research literacy, evidence-informed practice, research design and methods, yoga, clinical trials, surveys, qualitative, chronic pain, arthritis, rheumatic diseases, substance use disorder

Hear from the Students Who’ve Been in Your Shoes

Our Value: Integrative Health, Inclusivity

I chose SCU when looking for a PA program because of their Integrative Medicine approach. I am from Michigan, and not many programs focus on this Integrative, Holistic approach when it comes to patient care in the Midwest, and I felt that was very important for me to learn as a future provider. My transition to semi-virtual learning has been very smooth and quite enjoyable. My favorite part about attending SCU is how tight-knit and diverse the community is. Coming from a large undergrad university and moving so far, it was very important for me to have a PA program that made me feel valued and invested in my success. At SCU, they do a great job of making you feel that.


Brianna Hadley

MSPA Class of 2022

Our Value: Integrative Health

One of the great things about SCU is we do have a campus layout, so all your classes aren't in a single room. We have our cadaver lab. We have different specialty rooms for physical assessment classes vs. acupuncture classes. All our acupuncture-specific classes have all the herbs in the room. You can pull out the herbs and look at them, whether in class or in between classes to get that extra studying in.

My favorite part of SCU is the collaboration from our beginning terms. We were working alongside chiropractor students, PA students, and ayurvedic students. It's a unique community where we get to learn about these different fields and sit in classrooms with them and work with them in the clinic. It allows you to get an understanding of all the different fields and how they can work together, and what is unique about your field. I think that is a wonderful aspect that I didn't think was going to be as prominent as it is here; even now, in my upper term classes and I am not in class with chiropractic students, I can still reach out to them about a certain aspect I may not understand or if I am working on a case. I want another perspective I know I have them to reach out to, so that has been a great networking community to have resources for.

Dr. Jamie Kuljis

Graduate, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Our Value: Integrative Health, Inclusivity

"There are a lot of things that I love about the program at SCU. The first one is that the faculty come from a long line of Ayurvedic knowledge deeply rooted in ancient classical text. They studied Ayurveda, but they also lived it. When you learn from people who embody this wisdom, it's much easier to grasp this knowledge. The second thing I love is the camaraderie within the cohort. The combination of the training, supportive faculty, and the support of my peers and classmates has given me the confidence I need to start my own practice."

Portia Harris

Student, Ayurveda Program

Our Value: Evidence-Based Practice

Some of my favorite courses at SCU have to be the chiropractic procedure classes; those are the classes you get to hone in on your chiro skills, your palpation skills and ultimately work on the adjustments that make you a chiropractor. Those are the classes I feel enhance my knowledge the most and are some of the reasons I chose to become a chiropractor here are SCU.

On top of chiropractic procedures classes, my favorite is the cadaver lab experience. The cadaver classes opened up my perception of what the human body is made up of. It allowed me to get an in-person perspective of how the body works and looks on the inside. I am genuinely thankful for those experiences because they opened and broadened my horizons to the human body and anatomy in general.

Jordan Vega

Student, Doctor of Chiropractic

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