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Faculty180 – Vita and Individual Profile Data Sheet

Sivarama Prasad Vinjamury, DACM, MPH

Fall 1980 - Fall 2120

Professor II

Eastern Medicine Department


Current Position

Position: Assistant Program Director, Eastern Medicine Department



Dr. S. Prasad Vinjamury graduated from the University of Kerala, India earning a Doctor of Medicine in Ayurveda degree.  He then received his Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine degree from Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCU) and subsequently Master of Public Health degree from Cal State Fullerton and very recently received his Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine degree from Pacific College of Health and Science.

Dr. Prasad is a Professor at Southern California University of Health and Sciences (SCU) teaching traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. He also provides acupuncture and Ayurveda medicine services at the University Health Center, Whittier. Dr. Vinjamury has over thirty years in clinical experience in integrating Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, and western diagnostic methods to evaluate, assess, and manage patients. Additionally, he prescribes yoga/tai-chi and breathing practices to his clients. One of his strengths is providing dietary advice, based on Eastern traditional medicine, that is best suited for the patient’s condition. In addition to his teaching and clinical services, he is also deeply involved in clinical research in complementary and integrative medicine (CIM). He has been a Principal Investigator of studies on Fibromyalgia, Hypertension, Insomnia, Cancer and Osteoporosis. He has presented papers on various subjects in several national and international conferences and also published many articles on CIM topics in peer-reviewed journals. He was awarded a Young Investigator Award for his work on Cancer Research in the year 2007 by the Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR). Currently, he is investigating the effects of a Chinese herbal formula on Osteoporosis. Prasad also serves as a peer-reviewer for several integrative medicine journals and is on the Editorial Board on three of these journals. Recently, he served as an expert for developing benchmarks for Ayurveda practice being created by WHO. His work within American Public Health Association as the past chair of Integrative Complementary and Traditional and Health Practices (ICTHP) section, advocates for TCM, Ayurveda and other integrative therapies as health promotion tools through public health policies.



DACM, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Pacific College of Health and Science, San Diego, California, United States


MPH, Public Health, California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, California, United StatesDissertation: Efficacy of Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia - RCT


MD (Ayurveda), Ayurvedic Medicine, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Professional Licensures (Healthcare)

LAc, California, United States, AC 9458, Active, 2003, July 2025

Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions



Singh, B. B.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, V. J. Clinical Research Design: Limited Systematic Review of Five Diagnoses. In Scientific Basis of Ayurvedic Therapies; Mishra, L. C., Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 2003; pp 31–41.
Singh, B. B.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, V. J. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In CAM: Principles for Practice; Kligler, B., Ed.; Mcgraw Hill: New York, NY, 2003; pp 417–431.
Vinjamury, M.; Nagashayana, N.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, B. B. Women’s Diseases. In Scientific Basis of Ayurvedic Therapies; Mishra, L. C., Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 2003; pp 551–573.
Vinjamury, S. P.; Vinjamury, M.; Sucharitakul, S.; Ziegler, I. Panchakarma: Ayurvedic Detoxification and Allied Therapies - Is There Any Evidence? In Evidence-Based Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Rastogi, S., Chiappeli, F., Ramchandani, M. H., Singh, R. H., Eds.; Springer: Germany, 2012; pp 113–138.
Singh, B. B.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, V. J. Research Methodology in CAM. In Complementary and Alternative Medicine Secrets; Kohatsu, W., Ed.; Hanley and Belfus, Inc: Philadelphia, PA, 2002; pp 6–15.
Singh, B. B.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, V. J. Fibromyalgia: Questions and Answers. In Complementary and Alternative Medicine Secrets; Kohatsu, W., Ed.; Hanley and Belfus Inc: Philadelphia, PA, 2002; pp 330–337.
Shri, M.; Prasad, S. Ayurvedic Management of Hepatitis –C. In The Patients Manual; Ambassadors of Hepatitis- C Foundation, 2001; pp 113–124.

Conference Proceedings


Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, B. B.; Mishra, L. C. Research Issues in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. . In Compendium of Invited lectures.; Sponsored by Government of India. World Ayurveda Congress Secretariat, Swadeshi Science Movement: Kochi, 2002; pp 187–192.

Journal Article


Hsiao, L.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Mir, S.; Hsiao, L. L. S. Acupuncture in Integrative Care: SWOT Analysis. Taiwan Journal of Clinical Chinese Medicine (TJCM) 2023, TJCCM-2801-03.
Mishra, S.; Prasad, S. An Overview of Neurological Disorders in Ayurveda. Int J Integr Med 2001, 3, 13–16.
Vinjamury, S. P. Writing a Case Report. American Acupuncturist 2008, 43, 18–19.
Hsiao, E.; Hsiao, L.; Vinjamury, S. P.; La, N.; Wu, W.; Wang, C. Immunological Effects of Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Windscreen Powder): A Review. . American Acupuncturist 2009, 48, 18–21.
Hsiao, L.; Hsiao, E.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Li, J. T.; Wu, W. TCM Approach to Scleroderma: A Review. American Acupuncturist 2009, 50, 14–17.
Wu, W.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Hsiao, L.; Hsiao, E.; Miller, J. The Development and Implementation of Multi-Step Comprehensive Exams at a College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Meridians, The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 2015, 2, 14–20.
Sommers, E.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Noborikawa, J. Pain and Opioid Use: Evidence for Integrating Acupuncture Into Treatment Planning. 2021, 10, 21649561211042571.
Li, P.; Tjen-A-Looi, S. C.; Cheng, L.; Liu, D.; Painovich, J.; Vinjamury, S.; Longhurst, J. C. Long-Lasting Reduction of Blood Pressure by Electroacupuncture in Patients with Hypertension: Randomized Controlled Trial. 2015, 27, 253–266.
Vinjamury, S. P. Integrative Management of Alopecia Areata with Acupuncture and Ayurveda: A Case Report. Meridians: Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 2015, 2, 21–24.
Vinjamury, S. P. Book Review - Acupuncture as an Adjuvant in the Treatment of HIV/AIDS: Examining Disparities in Access, Cost-Effectiveness and Public Health Considerations By Elizabeth Sommers, PhD, MPH, LAc. Meridians, The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 2015, 2, 42–43.
Vinjamury, S. P.; Vinjamury, M.; der Martirosian, C.; Miller, J. Ayurvedic Therapy (shirodhara) for Insomnia: A Case Series. Global advances in health and medicine 2014, 3, 75–80.
Vinjamury, S. P.; Li, J.-T.; Hsiao, E.; Huang, C.; Hawk, C.; Miller, J.; Huang, Y. Effects of Acupuncture for Cancer Pain and Quality of Life - a Case Series. 2013, 8, 15.
Singh, B. B. B.; Khorsan, R.; Vinjamury, S. P. Influence of Comorbidities on Improvement of Fibromyalgia Symptoms When Treated with Acupuncture: A Short Report. Alternative therapies in health and medicine 2008, 14, 24–25.
Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, B. B. B.; Khorsan, R.; Comberiati, R.; Meier, M.; Holm, S. Chiropractic Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders. Alternative therapies in health and medicine 2008, 14, 60–63.
Redwood, D.; Hawk, C.; Cambron, J.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Bedard, J. Do Chiropractors Identify with Complementary and Alternative Medicine? Results of a Survey. 2008, 14, 361–368.
Singh, B. B. B.; Khorsan, R.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Der-Martirosian, C.; Kizhakkeveettil, A.; Anderson, T. M. Herbal Treatments of Asthma: A Systematic Review. 2007, 44, 685–698.
Singh, B. B. B.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Der-Martirosian, C.; Kubik, E.; Mishra, L. C.; Shepard, N. P.; Singh, V. J.; Meier, M.; Madhu, S. G. Ayurvedic and Collateral Herbal Treatments for Hyperlipidemia: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials and Quasi-Experimental Designs. 2007, 13, 22–28.
Goubran, E. Z.; Vinjamury, S. P. Interactive Atlas of Histology: A Tool for Self-Directed Learning, Practice, and Self-Assessment. 2007, 21, 12–18.
Singh, B. B. B.; Wu, W.-S.; Hwang, S. H.; Khorsan, R.; Der-Martirosian, C.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Wang, C.-N.; Lin, S. Y. Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia. Alternative therapies in health and medicine 2006, 12, 34–41.
Vinjamury, S. P.; Singh, B. B. Ayurvedic Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome--a Case Report. Alternative therapies in health and medicine 2005, 11, 76–78.
Singh, B. B. B.; Udani, J.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Der-Martirosian, C.; Gandhi, S.; Khorsan, R.; Nanjegowda, D.; Singh, V. Safety and Effectiveness of an L-Lysine, Zinc, and Herbal-Based Product on the Treatment of Facial and Circumoral Herpes. 2005, 10, 123–127.
Singh, B.; Song, H.; Liu, X.-D.; Hardy, M.; Liu, G.-Z.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Martirosian, C. D. Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) and Bai Guo (Gingko Biloba) Enhance Learning and Memory. Alternative therapies in health and medicine 2004, 10, 52–56.
Singh, B. B. B.; Mishra, L. C.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Aquilina, N.; Singh, V. J.; Shepard, N. The Effectiveness of Commiphora Mukul for Osteoarthritis of the Knee: An Outcomes Study. Alternative therapies in health and medicine 2003, 9, 74–79.


Hsiao, L.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Hsiao, L. L.; Noborikawa, J. 1.      Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet-金櫃要略) Clinical Application for Heart Disease. ) . Taiwan Journal of Clinical Chinese Medicine (TJCM) 2024.

Poster Presentation


Hsiao, L.; Noborikawa, J.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Hsiao, L. Impact of COVID-19 on the TCM Practice at a Health Sciences University Clinic in the United States.. Virtual Society for Acupuncture Research conference, 2021.
Vinjamury, S. P.; Kuljis, J.; Noborikawa, J. Clinical Research During COVID-19 - Challenges and Solutions. Virtual Society for Acupuncture Research Conference, 2021.


Mir, S.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Noborikawa, J. Characteristics of Patients Seeking Acupuncture at an Oncology Clinic in the Los Angeles Area.. Society for Acupuncture Research Conference, 2019.
Noborikawa, J.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Hsiao, L.; Yu, J. Study of Traditional Health Behaviors in Asian Americans – A Cross-Sectional Survey. American Public Health Association Conference, 2018.
Noborikawa, J.; Vinjamury, S. P.; Hsiao, L.; Yu, J. Study of Traditional Health Behaviors in Asian Americans – A Cross-Sectional Survey. American Public Health Association Conference, 2018.


Funded - In Progress

Chinese Herbal Medicine (Lagenbone) for Osteoporosis - A Case Series, Funded by SunTen Pharma (October 1, 2019), Funded - In Progress, Fall 2022, PI Sivarama Vinjamury with CoInvestigator LungSheng Hsiao, CoInvestigator Melissa Nagare, Program Coordinator Jennifer Noborkawa, Program Coordinator Jamie Kuljis

Professional Membership

Fall 2005 - Ongoing

American Public Health Association, September 2005

Fall 2010 - Ongoing

Society for Acupuncture Research, September 2010

Fall 2017 - Ongoing

National Ayurvedic Medical Association, August 2017

Fall 2013 - Ongoing

Vedic Education Dissemination Awareness Circle, August 2013

Fall 2022 - Ongoing

Academic Collaborative of Integrative Health (AIHM), September 2018


Complementary and Integrative Health, Clinical Research, Public Health Research, Policy Work and Non-profit, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Yoga

Hear from the Students Who’ve Been in Your Shoes

I chose SCU when looking for a PA program because of their Integrative Medicine approach. I am from Michigan, and not many programs focus on this Integrative, Holistic approach when it comes to patient care in the Midwest, and I felt that was very important for me to learn as a future provider. My transition to semi-virtual learning has been very smooth and quite enjoyable. [su_accordion][su_spoiler title="Read More..." open="No"]My favorite part about attending SCU is how tight-knit and diverse the community is. Coming from a large undergrad university and moving so far, it was very important for me to have a PA program that made me feel valued and invested in my success. At SCU, they do a great job of making you feel that.[/su_spoiler][/su_accordion]

Brianna Hadley

MSPA Class of 2022

One of the great things about SCU is we do have a campus layout, so all your classes aren't in a single room. We have our cadaver lab. We have different specialty rooms for physical assessment classes vs. acupuncture classes. All our acupuncture-specific classes have all the herbs in the room. You can pull out the herbs and look at them, whether in class or in between classes to get that extra studying in.[su_accordion][su_spoiler title="Read More..." open="No"]My favorite part of SCU is the collaboration from our beginning terms. We were working alongside chiropractor students, PA students, and ayurvedic students. It's a unique community where we get to learn about these different fields and sit in classrooms with them and work with them in the clinic. It allows you to get an understanding of all the different fields and how they can work together, and what is unique about your field. I think that is a wonderful aspect that I didn't think was going to be as prominent as it is here; even now, in my upper term classes and I am not in class with chiropractic students, I can still reach out to them about a certain aspect I may not understand or if I am working on a case. I want another perspective I know I have them to reach out to, so that has been a great networking community to have resources for.[/su_spoiler][/su_accordion]


Dr. Jamie Kuljis

Graduate, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

"There are a lot of things that I love about the program at SCU. The first one is that the faculty come from a long line of Ayurvedic knowledge deeply rooted in ancient classical text. They studied Ayurveda, but they also lived it. When you learn from people who embody this wisdom, it's much easier to grasp this knowledge. The second thing I love is the camaraderie within the cohort. The combination of the training, supportive faculty, and the support of my peers and classmates has given me the confidence I need to start my own practice."

Portia Harris

Student, Ayurveda Program

Some of my favorite courses at SCU have to be the chiropractic procedure classes; those are the classes you get to hone in on your chiro skills, your palpation skills and ultimately work on the adjustments that make you a chiropractor. Those are the classes I feel enhance my knowledge the most and are some of the reasons I chose to become a chiropractor here are SCU.[su_accordion][su_spoiler title="Read More..." open="No"]On top of chiropractic procedures classes, my favorite is the cadaver lab experience. The cadaver classes opened up my perception of what the human body is made up of. It allowed me to get an in-person perspective of how the body works and looks on the inside. I am genuinely thankful for those experiences because they opened and broadened my horizons to the human body and anatomy in general.[/su_spoiler][/su_accordion]


Jordan Vega

Student, Doctor of Chiropractic

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